Team effectiveness

Supporting leaders to enhance performance, clarity and trust within their teams, enable faster decisions, and deliver greater business impact.

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Leadership Consulting

Supporting leaders as thought partners to develop their strategy, communication partners in refining how to articulate that strategy, and planning partners in operationalising the plan with their team

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About Us

Meet our troop of consultants, trainers, coaches and facilitators. A small team, trusted by the biggest names.

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Companies all over the world use the 100th Monkey to enhance teams, empower individuals, and have greater business impact.

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Use your key learnings as soon as you can, to help forge new habits. Access 100th Monkey materials here to help refresh your memory.

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  • Young African American businessman pointing at white blackboard and smiling while working with team in the creative office

    Presentation Skills Training

    Presenting with Impact


    • Transform your clarity, impact and confidence as a communicator
    • Boost professional presence and personal brand
    • Receive instant, ultra-personalised data on your delivery style
    • Understand how to engage audiences, build rapport and buy-in
    • Manage anxiety through practical mindset techniques
    • Continued learning post session with access to our bespoke AI coaching tool
    EXCEPTIONAL REVIEWS >> 5* rating from nine in every ten delegates >> 10/10 would recommend to others


    The difference it makes

    “Genuinely the best presentation training I have ever attended. Actually, life-changing.

    “This session with 100th Monkey moved me from someone who dreaded presentations and underperformed, to finding a new confidence and now receiving consistently great feedback.

    “The big winner for me was getting objective data and practical tools to improve my content and delivery.

    Delegate from FTSE 250 company


    Details & costs

    • Sharpen what you say and how you say it with our experts (20+yrs in corporate communications)
    • Use your own, real presentations for live content refinement and rehearsal
    • Caters for a wide range of delegate roles & experience
    • Unique personalised data on your pace, pauses, clarity, sentence length, voice pitch variation and filler words
    • Clarity, impact, storytelling and engagement tools and techniques
    • Unique ‘before and after’ video coaching techniques to demonstrate instant progress
    • Confidence building and anxiety reducing techniques, based on leading neuroscience theory
    • Flagship course is F2F full day or Virtually, x2 half-days
    • 2-5 delegates (one trainer) or 6-12 (two trainers). Contact us to discuss larger groups
    • £5-8k per course with economies of scale for multi-cohort programmes
    • Note: we do not run open courses at present

    Make it happen

    Who it’s for: Proven results for all comers, all levels, all mindsets – on any stage.

    • Emerging leaders
      High performers
    • "I'm confident but know I can improve"
      "I'm told I need to be more assertive"
      "I'm a really nervous speaker"
      "Competent, but a bit rusty"
      "I'm conscious of my accent"
      "I've been told to come on this course"
      "I'm neurodiverse"
      "Training's not worked for me before"
    • Virtual meetings
      Weekly updates
      Launches or pitches
      Day to day meetings

    What sets us apart?

    Our data-led approach to communications training
    • Flow chart diagram with icons. Title: “What happens when you communicate more effectively?” You -> Greater clarity and confidence -> Credibility & recognition Your audience -> Compelled to listen, understand and act on what you say -> stronger buy-in You & Your Audience combine: Enhanced rapport -> empowerment, less meetings, faster decisions -> Greater impact for you and your business.

    Ann HUGHES


    Ann has worked for 20 years advising big pharma on their corporate and brand messaging as well as delivering global launch campaigns.  Now she is using that expertise on a more personal level, coaching individuals and teams to be more effective in their communications.  Delivering training that calls on her consulting background and combines with her interest in psychology and theatre, she’s never been more passionate about her work.

    Question & Answer

    Who are you?

    An American ex-pat in Dorset, a twin mum, avid reader, yogi and occasional quiz master/stand-up comedian (at PTA events..)

    What's your role?

    I’m a Director on the Personal Effectiveness side of the business, which means I deliver training and help add training talent to our network. And since I love making connections and solving problems, I’m always meeting new people to see if our training is a good solution to some of the challenges they face.

    So what do you actually spend your day doing?

    Some days I’ll be entirely dedicated to training, other days I’ll be upskilling new trainers or meeting with potential clients to understand the skills gaps their trying to solve. Or I’ll be drafted into the Team Effectiveness side of things to help design and facilitate client meetings.

    Greatest strength?

    Helping people see the best in themselves.

    Recent work highlight?

    Watching one of our Personal Effectiveness delegates in action – standing up at a big meeting in front of 100+ people to present naturally and eloquently, and also asking articulate, challenging questions. Both feats that I know personally terrify her, or at least they did before our training!

    One of my biggest influences is…

    My mom. And Woody Allen movies.


    Richard EDWARDS

    Founder & Managing Director

    At the helm of a thriving business, Richard has the privilege of leading a troop of trainers, facilitators, coaches and consultants who have helped thousands of individuals and teams to be have greater impact, confidence and clarity in their work.

    The 100th Monkey’s story began in 2012, when Richard retrained as a facilitator and coach, after a prolific career as a news reporter at the Daily Telegraph and London Evening Standard.

    He designed a series of communication skills workshops and programmes, which pioneer a data-led approach to learning (putting science behind the art of communication), and draw on Richard’s experience of 20 years in journalism, complemented with principles of performance, neuroscience and psychology, to create a practical package of tools to enhance individuals’ clarity and confidence.

    The training receives industry-leading feedback. On average 9/10 delegates rate the 100th Monkey’s flagship courses in presentation skills and media training as 5*, with frequent and humbling praise describing it as “life-changing” and “career highlight” training.

    Question & Answer

    Who are you?

    Son of incredible musicians and teachers, husband to an extraordinary wife, father of wonderful children, orchestrator of a brilliant band at the top of their game. And affectionate user of adjectives

    Greatest strength?

    Optimism - "proceed as if success is inevitable"

    Biggest weakness?

    Over optimism, particularly when it comes to the number of hours in the day

    Coffee order

    Nespresso tells me I am one of its 'ambassadors', which I took to mean I'm like George Clooney. But it turns out it's just a way to label my addiction

    Favourite part of the job?

    Instilling confidence in others

    Tell us two truth's and a lie about yourself

    1. My dad played with the Beatles on the Sgt Peppers album 2. We named our son Elvis. 3. I met Queen Elizabeth II and invited her to our wedding (she didn't come)

    Proudest moment

    100th Monkey was my first foray outside of journalism and started only with the ambition of keeping three babies in nappies. I'm proud to say it's surpassed all expectations. There was a moment recently at a team social when I looked around the table at 10-or-so of us, and felt an incredible pinch of pride at what together we've built


    Alita Buttress

    Director & Head of Media Training

    Alita is a former BBC News editor and self-proclaimed ‘news junkie’ with 17 years’ experience across national broadcast, print and digital. She has since transitioned into Executive Leadership coaching, preparing CEOs and senior leaders for high-stakes conversations. As an experienced trainer, Alita specialises in supporting businesses with their most challenging internal and external communication moments.  Alita brings her abundance of energy to The 100th Monkey team, super-charging any training session with her supportive feedback and fascinating anecdotes of lessons learned in busy newsrooms.

    Question & Answer

    Who are you?

    A Midlands native who has lived in London for 20 years. I’m a mum and a former journalist and TV editor who is still a complete news junkie. In my spare time you’ll find me with my nose in a book or planning holidays

    What's your role?

    I’m a director on the Personal Effectiveness side of the business and lead our media training work which involves planning and delivering sessions for our clients

    So what do you actually spend your day doing?

    Some days I’ll be planning for upcoming training, reading in on client issues and having briefing calls to discuss future work or new business. Other days I’ll be delivering training either face-to-face or virtually. In between, I spend time planning with our brilliant team and supporting on projects across the business

    Greatest strength?

    I can survive on very little sleep and always have lots of energy!

    Favourite part of the job?

    Showing people their split screen ‘before and after’ videos during our media training or Personal Effectiveness courses. The progress people make in a short space of time using our toolkits is always so inspiring. It’s the best part of my day!

    Favourite TedTalk?

    Shonda Rimes, 'My year of saying yes to everything'

    One of my biggest influences is…

    The Maya Angelou poem, ‘Still I Rise'


    Joanna Edwards

    Co-Founder & Director

    As founding partner and leader of the 100th Monkey’s thriving team effectiveness troop, Joanna is highly sought-after by emerging leaders, established leaders and industry-leading teams. She has developed a four-pillar model for high performing teams, and designed and delivered hundreds of programmes, offsites and workshops to help leaders sharpen and articulate their thinking, and teams to be more productive, satisfied and happy.

    Joanna has honed her skills through 20+ years’ experience as a consultant, facilitator, trainer and coach.

    Starting out in corporate communications for Biotech company, Acambis, Joanna went on the become an award-winning communications consultant, working in various agencies and supporting clients ranging from GSK, Sanofi, Eli Lilly and Novartis to Weetabix, Jaguar Landrover and the Department of Health.

    As part of The 100th Monkey team, Joanna has led training and team development programmes across multiple sectors, including UK Government departments, leading pharmaceutical organisations, counter terrorism teams and innovators in the worlds of aerospace and energy.

    Her greatest skills are as a strategic thinker, visual storyteller and facilitator.

    Question & Answer

    Who are you?

    Daughter to an Irishman and a Brummie, wife to the king of optimism and mother to three amazing kids – I love film, Bristol, fun, family, friends and of course, The 100th Monkey

    What's your role?

    Co-founder, chief puzzle solver and strategist, working closely with leaders to help them sharpen and articulate their thinking, and teams to help them be more productive, satisfied and happy

    So what do you actually spend your day doing?

    I spend lots of my time talking! To clients - to help really understand what they are wanting to achieve through our support, sharing ideas and designs for programmes and sessions, and reviewing the impact our work is having. Also to our team - collaborating, co-ordinating and coaching. Amongst all the talking, I like to carve out space and time to think deeply about the briefs we are working on – I pride myself on our work being insightful, creative and beyond expectation – this requires focused brainpower.

    Greatest strength?

    To be able to see the big picture and how everything pieces together quickly, and enable others to see it too through simplification, visualisation and speaking their language

    Biggest weakness?

    My ‘go hard or go home’ approach to nights out

    Favourite part of the job?

    Supporting people to shine – helping them to achieve their aspirations and be proud of how they do it

    Tell us two truths and a lie about yourself

    1. I moved to Brazil to dance the Samba in the Rio Carnival 2. I met my husband on a week-long, no food retreat 3. As a child, I competed nationally as a synchronised swimmer

    • Case Study

      Enabling early careers professionals at one of the world's largest marketing companies to have more clarity, confidence and impact
      Delegates recommend training to others
      Strongly agree learnings can be instantly applied
      243 Delegates
      15 Agencies represented
      35 Virtual & F2F courses
      100% +ve trainer feedback

      Av. Rating = 4.8/5

    • Case Study

      Advanced Impact & Influence skills delivered globally on Zoom for Amgen's High Performing cohorts. Cited as a programme highlight
      Highly recommend the training to others
      Agreed sessions were "engaging and highly relevant" for their development
      69 delegates
      20+ nationalities
      6 continents
      95% applied learnings instantly


    • Case Study

      Bespoke media and comms training programme addressing complex challenges and risks faced by Resilience Forums
      felt more capable in their ability to talk to the media
      said they had more impact in their communications
      39 delegates
      c.20 emergency agencies represented
      16 half day sessions
      3 part programme

      Av Rating = 4.97/5

    • Case Study

      A multi-year contract to deliver presentation skills training for civil servants across all UK Government departments
      Reported the course gave them more impact
      Felt more confident after the training
      33 Virtual courses
      28 F2F Courses
      523 Participants
      2.5 Years

      Av. Overall Rating = 4.97/5

    • Case Study

      Since 2020, we have supported 40+ teams within leading FTSE & NASDAQ-listed organisations to be more effective, and drive better results
      Highest one-year rise in team performance using our diagnostic tool
      team development clients come to us by word of mouth
      43 offsites
      94 workshops
      41 teams
      100% bespoke to each team

      Av. Rating (virtual) 4.9/5

    • Case Study

      Coaching 15 heads of department to deliver inspiring Ted Talk style keynotes; from developing their narrative to delivering with impact on the big stage
      5* ratings from leaders
      Rise in staff engagement at Town Halls
      15 Leaders
      35 Group & 1:1 sessions
      100% Felt more confident
      91% Had more impact

      Av Rating = 5/5

    What the data says

    Average F2F rating
    Average Virtual rating
    Of delegates reported the course gave them more impact
    Of delegates felt more confident after the training

    Popular frequently asked questions